Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mysterious Mint

Erin came back from a neighborhood foraging expedition today bearing a sprig of this "mint" in her sure hand. It doesn't exactly look like either spearmint or peppermint, with its slightly rounded leaf edges and more shallowly etched veins. Nevertheless, as my steadfastly adventurous vegetable companion declared:

"Well whatever it is, it tastes like mint. And I haven't died yet."

I can still hear deliberate and industrious noises coming from the kitchen, where Erin is allegedly making tortellini from scratch. Any more specific i.d.'s on this minty plant are welcome.


edibleoffice said...

looks a bit like catnip. or silver mint.

Leif Hedendal said...

i think its catnip, too...

catnip tortellini with braised mouse shank and wild fennel pollen...

purplecook said...

apple mint? i saw some today in the glasgow botanical herb gardens!

kale daikon said...

My cat's mouth is watering...

Propagatrix said...

Looks like catmint to me.

Unknown said...

Beware of pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium). A pioneer/exotic species and smells highly desirable it can be toxic.

--l'homme arbre