Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Seafaring Carrots

All those sea vegetables in Hawaii got me in the mood for further marine exploration closer to home. At the Happy Boy stand in Noe Valley, I came across the mythical seahorse carrot, which made fast friends with my resident seahorse.

A watery snorfle then drew my attention to the scurvy likes of the dread pirate Peg-leg Porkytop. Needless to say, the other denizens of my kitchen sea wall swam quickly in the other direction once Porkytop landed on the scene with his little piggy eyes.


  1. I was surprised to see this posted at 6:36 pm, as it seemed a sure bet that you were writing in a delirium in the wee hours of the morn. I feel like these guys would make a successful line of refrigerator magnets.

  2. Yes, welcome to my world when I'm left home alone with nothing to do. I amuse myself by making the vegetables talk to my other semi-animate objects. I wonder if the neighbors ever hear my maniacal giggling...
